A weeks too long, not to ring. Re-colours her hair, and waits for him. No cat against dog, just head over heels Sex twice a date, best time in years. Oh no, why hasn’t he phoned? She has to wait until he’s on his own Lying and denying so nobody knows. I’ll tell her this week is what he tells her to keep her on loan. He’ll buy her one day Sex drives, oral highs, cheating wives and spies. Cream cakes, coffee dates, throwing gifts, goodbye. Passed away for the day had a change of kind. Sex changes, to mundane for the average mind Oh no she just can’t say. Where he is and where he’s been. Look prim and straight. Like she’s always been. All that she saved for went missing again. She could be wrong She could be, she could be, she could be wrong She could be, she could be, she could be wrong It looks like, It looks like, It looks like the words got around. They found a body in the lake maybe it wasn’t really his name. Same colour, same weight, same size feet It’s the not knowing that kills you. Oh no the clocks stopped slow, every time you’re on your own. The hide from the spies. So nobody knows Scratch through the pages of the lazy days news for a clue. Still looking for you