The Aardvark is really a curious creature
If you’re an ant then he’s likely to eat ya
Although his long nose makes him look rather hideous
He’s still listed first in the encyclopedias
da din din da
da din din da
na tin tin na
da din din da
dit dit da
terrigada dit na giggiteeta
cut teeta guddygayna da
terrigada dit na giggiteeta
cut teeta guddygayna da
terrigada dit na giggiteeta
cut teeta guddygayna
da din din da
da din din da
na tin tin na
da din din da
cutta cutta cutta cutta
cuttyta nogayna noggy
teeta cuddadit
naw nay daw
cuttyta nogayna noggy
teeta cuddadit
naw nay daw
cuttyta nogayna noggy
teeta cuddadit
naw nay
da da cuddagudda dit
naw cuh-ta
da cuddagudda dit
naw cuh-ta
da cuddagudda dit
naw cuh-ta
da da cuddagudda dit
naw cuh-ta
I met him in a swamp down in Dagobah
where it bubbles all the time
like a giant carbonated soda,
S O D A, soda.
I saw the little runt/wimp sitting there on a log.
I asked him his name
and in a raspy voice he said Yoda,
Y O D A, Yoda,
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda.
Well, I’ve been around but I ain’t never seen
a guy who looks like a Muppet
but he’s wrinkled and green,
Oh my Yoda,
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda.
Well I’m not dumb but I can’t understand
how he can lift me in the air just by raising his hand
oh my Yoda.
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda
Well, I left home just a week before,
and I’ve never ever been a Jedi before
but Obi-Wan he set me straight of course,
He said, “Go to Yoda and he’ll show you the Force.”
Well, I’m not the kind that’ll argue with Ben
So it looks I’m gonna start all over again
with my Yoda,
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda
So I used the force,
I picked up a box,
I lifted some rocks,
Well I stood on my head,
Well I won’t forget what Yoda said.
He said “Luke, stay away from the darker side,
and if you start to go astray let the Force be your guide.”
Oh my Yoda,
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda.
“I know Darth Vader’s really got you annoyed.
But, remember if you kill him then you’ll be unemployed”
Oh my Yoda,
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda
Well, I heard my friends really got in a mess
so I’m gonna have to leave Yoda, I guess.
But I know that I’ll be coming back some day
I’ll be playing this part till I’m old and grey.
The Long-term contract I hadda sign
says I’ll be making these movies till the end of time
with my Yoda
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda
Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda
(continue to fade…)
[Tax Man/The Beatles]
(one, two, thray, four, one, two [nasal hocking sound])
I used to be a pinball freak
That’s where you’d find me every week
But now it’s Pacman!
Ye-ea-ah it’s the Pac-ma-an!
I love to gobble up those dots
Keep pumpin’ quarters in the slots
They call it “Pacman”!
Ye-ea-ah it’s the Pac-ma-an!
At the game arcade
they say I’m “hard core”
I can play all day
’til my hands are sore
And I quit my job
just to play some more
But I won’t give up
’til I break high score
Pacman! [music from Pacman “intermission”]
Well it’s the Pacman!
Ye-ea-ah it’s the Pac-ma-an!
Well it takes a lot of cash to play
(Pacman! Get the cherry!)
So I’m gonna sell my house today
(Pacman! Eat ’em up!)
I’m playin’ Pacman!
Ye-ea-ah it’s the Pac-ma-an!
Hey mom, I won’t be home this year
Please forward all my mail right here!
I’m at the Pacman!
Ye-ea-ah it’s the Pac-ma-an!
…and you’re playing with no one but me
[music from Pacman “intermission”]
[sound from when Pacman dies]
Next week, on U-62, he’s back!
And this time, he’s mad.
Gandhi II!
No more Mr. Passive Resistance.
He’s out to kick some butt.
This is one bad mother.
You don’t want to mess with him.
“Don’t move, slimeball.”
He’s a one-man wrecking crew.
But he also knows how to party.
“Gimme a steak. Medium rare.”
There is only one law–his law.
Gandhi II!
I used to think my life was so empty,
I used to think life was passing me by.
I was just about ready,
To curl up and die.
But one day I got a visit,
From the cable company,
They hooked me up, plugged me right in,
And now I’ve got cable TV.
And so I get to watch…
The stock report in Korean,
Midget wrestling on channel 3,
It costs me fifty bucks a month just to see ’em,
Yeah, but that’s OK with me….
I got cable TV (cable TV),
Cable TV (cable TV),
Eighty-three channels of ecstacy,
I love my cable TV yeah,
Love my cable TV.
I got the Siamese Faith Healer’s Network,
The news and weather from Peru,
I got celebrity hockey,
And raquetball channel two.
Bug Bunny direct from Atlanta,
Mr. Wizard is on at five.
I’ve got a satellite dish on the trunk of my car
So I can watch MTV while I drive.
I’m talking ’bout,
Real quality programs.
The type you just can’t get for free,
Now I’m never gonna leave my apartment,
Cos there’s just so much for me to see
On my cable TV (cable TV),
Cable TV (cable TV),
Yeah, if you have a problem you know where I’ll be:
Watching my cable TV, yeah,
Watching my cable TV
My friends they’re getting kinda worried,
They think I’m turning into some kind of freak.
But they’re just jealous,
Cos I’ve seen `Porky’s’ twenty-seven times this week
On my cable TV (cable TV),
Cable TV (cable TV),
The greatest thing that ever happened to me,
I love my cable TV, yeah,
I need my cable TV.
Can’t live without my cable TV, yeah
Watching my cable TV.