Sesame Street

I Am Chicken – Sesame Street

I am chicken, hear me squawk
Hear me crow and hear me bawck
Watch me rule my roost
And strut around my coop
People say I’ve got great legs
And they’re nuts about my eggs
And when they’re sick they gobble down my soup

Oh yes, I am proud
Of the way I peck and scratch
I am plump, I am loud
Just don’t count me ’till I hatch
I’m nutritious, I am pure, I’m delicious, I’m cocksure
I am tender, I’m exceptional
I am chicken!

I am chicken I’m not scared
‘Cause I’m always well prepared
And I feed all kinds of people every day
I can cackle with the best
And I’ll tackle any test
Showing even when I’m down, I’m still Grade A

Oh no, I’m no dumb cluck
And I won’t throw in the towel
I’m no turkey, I’m no duck
I’m the fairest of the fowl
I am tasteful to the end
I’m your finest feathered friend
I am plucky, I’m unflappable, I am chicken!

background singing chickens:
She is tender, she is loud,
She is plucky, she is proud
She’s delicious, she is pure
She’s nutritious, she’s cocksure
She can cook and she is chic
And we love her wings and beak

By admin on September 7, 2013 | I Song Lyrics | A comment?

Garbage (Live Action) – Sesame Street

As I remember it, it starts off in a pretty cluttered park, with papers and stuff lying around. There was some type of harpsichord music in the background. Then the janitor comes on with a wastebasket, and also one of those sticks with a nail at the end. Sets the wastebasket down. Looks at the park, picks up a paper with the stick, and tosses the paper in the trash. He comes up and looks at the camera, with a sort of grin on his face, then points his index finger as if to say “Just a second,” turns around, picks up some more trash, and tosses that in. He repeats the actions, with looking at the camera and picking up the trash, until he gets all the trash picked up. Then, looking pleased with himself, he takes off, and that part’s over.

After they show another skit (insert your favorite letter/number skit here,) they come back to the park, with different harpsichord music. An old man comes up with a newspaper, sits on the edge of the wastebasket, looks at the paper for a few seconds, then balls it up and tosses it on the ground, and walks off. There’s a closeup of the paper. Then, the music changes to a faster-pace tune, and the little girl runs up. She sees the paper, there’s another closeup of it, then a closeup of her, she sticks out her tongue, you hear someone say “Yeech!” She picks up the paper, tosses it in the trash basket, then runs off. The music ends, and she repeats “Yeech!” And then the skit’s over.

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Garbage – Sesame Street

Mr. Thompson calls the waiter, orders steak and baked potaters,
He leaves the bone and gristle and he never eats the skin.
The busboy comes and takes it, with a cough contaminates it.
Throws it in a can with coffee grounds and sardine tins.
And the truck comes by on Friday, and carts it all away.
And a thousand trucks just like it are converging on the bay. Oh…..

Garbage, garbage, garbage….

We’re filling up our seas with garbage (garbage, garbage…)
What will we do when there’s no place left to put all the garbage (garbage, garbage……)

Mr. Thompson starts his Cadillac, he winds it down the freeway track,
Leaving friends and neighbors in a hydro-carbon haze.
He’s joined by lots of smaller cars all sending gases to the stars.
There it forms a seething cloud where it hangs for forty days.
And the sun beats down into it,
With an ultra-violet tongue.
Turns it into smog
And then it settles in our lungs oh…
Garbage (garbage, garbage…..)

We’re filling up the skies with garbage……
What will we do when there’s nothing left to breathe
But garbage…….

Getting home and taking off his shoes, he settles with the evening news,
While the kids do homework with the TV in one ear.
While Superman for the thousandth time sells talking dolls and conquers crime,
Dutilly they learn the date of birth of Paul Revere.
And there’s a piece in the paper about the mayor’s middle name.
He gets it read in time to watch the All-Star Bingo game oh
Garbage, garbage, garbage…..
We’re filling up our minds with garbage……

What will we do when there’s nothing left to read?
And there’s nothing left to need?
And there’s nothing left to watch?
And there’s nothing left to touch?
And there’s nothing left to walk about?
And nothing left to talk about?
Nothing left to see?
And nothing left to be but….
Garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage……..

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Sesame Street – Daddy Dear

D, D, D, D
Daddy dear, oh daddy dear
Do dogs have dreams, do ducks have ears?
Do dragons dance, why do gophers dig holes?
Do gophers dress up in their dirty clothes?

D, D, D, D
Dogs dream of meat and their dreams are delicious
Ducks do have ears but they don’t do the dishes
Gophers dig holes to hide their candy bars
Dragons don’t dance and they don’t smoke cigars

D, D, D, D
Daddy dear, oh daddy sweet
Do dandylions roar, do daisies have feet?
May I have a drink of water and a dish of tadpoles?
Daddy how deep is a doughnut hole?

D, D, D, D
If dandylions roar then your daddy is deaf
The daisies drank the water so the tadpoles left
Your eyes are droopy darling daughter and you’re dizzy in the head
The toads are eating dinner so it’s time to go to bed

Little dolly go to bed


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By admin on March 26, 2012 | D Song Lyrics | A comment?

Sesame Street – D – U – C – K – I – E

There’s someone that I care for
Gee, the one I need is you
A chum who’s always there for me
If skies are grey or blue
Your precious little picture
Is a fixture in this frame
I love to sit and stare at it
And softly spell your name

D means you’re delightful and delicious and so dear
U says I’m undone by what you do
C is for the cute way that you squeak into my ear
K is for the kick I get from you
I, I’ll be there if you’re in hot water
E you’re extra-special to the end
Put them altogether, they spell DU-UUU-CKIE
Rubber duckie, I’m so lucky you’re my friend

spoken: So rubber duckie, that’s a great picture of you. (squeak, squeak)
Yeah, you like the song? (squeak, squeak)

D means you’re delightful and delicious and so dear
U says I’m undone by what you do
C is for the cute way that you squeak into my ear
K is for the kick I get from you
I, I’ll be there if you’re in hot water
E you’re extra-special to the end
Put them altogether, they spell DU-UUUUUUU-CKIE
Rubber duckie, I’m so lucky you’re my friend

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Calcutta Joe – Sesame Street

Oh, Calcutta Joe was a modern rhino
Who spun sweet and low on his mellow oboe

While Flo the Hippo stood up on her big toe
And swung her yoyo way up high and down low

A crow and her beau
Flew in from Ohio
And danced the fandango in the meadow below

The crows, the hippo and Calcutta Joe
All stood in a row and sang “Bo-de-oh-doe”
Together they sang, “Bo-de-oh-doe”

By admin on March 19, 2012 | C Song Lyrics | A comment?

C Is For Cookie (Opera Style) – Sesame Street

Oh, the sky has turned grey,
And the world seems sad and blue.
All the laughter’s gone away.
Guess there’s just one thing to do…

(reaches down and, grinning, pulls out a great big cookie)

C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C

(she is joined by a choir)

C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C

A round cookie with one bite out of it
Looks like a C.
A round pita bread with one big bite out of it
Also looks like a C,
But it’s not as good as a cookie.
And the moon sometimes looks like a C,
Yes the moon sometimes looks like a C,
But you can’t eat that, SO…

C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C

C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C

Cookie, Cookie, Cookie,
Cookie, Cookie, Cookie starts with C!

Cookie Monster: (coming in from the side) Did me hear somebody say cookie?

(he eats the bottom cookie of the giant cookie-pyramid, which then collapses)

(embarrassed) Oh. Thank you. (he leaves)

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C Is For Cookie – Sesame Street

[Now what starts with the letter C?
Cookie starts with C
Let’s think of other things
That starts with C
Oh, who cares about the other things?]

C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C

C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C

[Hey you know what?
A round cookie with one bite out of it
Looks like a C
A round donut with one bite out of it
Also looks like a C
But it is not as good as a cookie
Oh and the moon sometimes looks like a C
But you can’t eat that, so … ]

C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me, yeah!
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C, yeah!
Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C, oh boy!
Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C!

(Cookie Monster eats the cookie)

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C Drives Me Crazy – Sesame Street

I can’t stop (stop stop)
The way I yawn (yawn yawn)
When a Y (Y Y)
Comes along

O’s OK (so so)
A’s alright (or as it goes)
All the letters from A to Z
None of them compares to C

C drives me crazy (C C)
Like no letter around (C C)
C drives me crazy
And I can’t calm myself down

C makes cookie (cookie cookie)
C makes cat (cat cat)
C makes camel (camel camel)
X can’t do that

C climbs high (so high)
C can cruise
Other letters get on my nerves
‘Cause they don’t curve the way C curves

C drives me crazy (C C)
Like no letter around (C C)
C drives me crazy
And I can’t calm myself down

I can’t cut it without my C
No other letter does it for me

C drives me crazy (C C)
Like no letter around (C C)
C drives me crazy
And I can’t calm myself down

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Baby Blankie Blues – Sesame Street

Baby Fats: My Mama said

Mama: Hey baby!
Gotta get that blanket clean

Baby Fats: And then she threw my blankie
In the big old washing machine
Now my blankie’s in the washer
And I got the Baby Blankie Blues

Baby Chorus (two babies that pop up behind Baby Fats): Waaa waaa waaa waaa

Mama: Yeah, yeah

Baby Fats: I said my blankie’s in the washer
And I got the Baby Blankie Blues

Baby Chorus: Waaa waaa waaa waaa

Baby Fats: A baby can get cranky
All alone without his blankie
Oh, I got the Baby Blankie Blues

Mama: Bluuuuues

Baby Fats: I hear the washer stop
My blankie must be clean!
But then my Mama throws it
In the big old drying machine
Now my blankie’s in the dryer
And I got the Baby Blankie Blues

Baby Chorus: Waaa waaa waaa waaa

Baby Fats: I said my blankie’s in the dryer
And I got the Baby Blankie Blues

Baby Chorus: Waaa waaa waaa waaa

Baby Fats: Don’t mean to be a crier
But my blankie’s in the dryer!
And I got the Baby Blankie Blues
Don’t know if I can take it
I’m fussy as can be

Mama: Here, honey

Baby Fats: Look, my Mama’s handing
My blankie back to me!
Now I got my blankie back
And my Baby Blankie Blues are gone

Baby Chorus: Gaaa gaaa gaaa gaaa

Mama: Bye-byeeee!

Baby Fats: I said I got my blankie back
And my Baby Blankie Blues are gone

Baby Chorus: Gooo gooo gooo gooo

Baby Fats: Man, I should be napping
But I just feel like clapping
‘Cause my Baby Blankie Blues are gone
Now say “bye-bye”

Mama: Yeah!

Baby Fats: To those Baby Blankie Bluuuues

Mama: Oh yeah, bye-byyyyye

Baby Chorus: Bye-byyyyye

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