Lords Of Acid

A Treatise On The Practical Methods Whereby One Can, Worship The Lords – Lords Of Acid

Free. Truly Free. Land of the Free…

What freedom is yours when you’re not allowed to say:
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you (4x)
Repeat after me !!!

Praise the lords
Fuck the rest
Worship the Lords
It’s you they love the best

Praise the Lords
Fuck the rest
Worship the Lords
You will be blessed

By admin on October 28, 2013 | A Song Lyrics | A comment?

A Ride With Satan’s Little Helpers – Lords Of Acid

One of Satan’s strongest demons is so evil,
it is known as The Unholy
The Unholy may remain on earth out of hell,
so long as no-one resists its temptations.
The Unholy kills the sinner in the act of sinning
and sends another soul to hell!
The Unholy drives on purity, on priests and virgins.

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Venus – Lords Of Acid

Rattlesnakes with Pigeonholes
Ace of Spades, my home sweet home

Whim-wham, ringerangeroo
Venus Fly Trap, I love you

Nonny-nonny, Paw Paw Tricks
Thirly Whirly, Candlesticks

Eye that weeps most when best pleased
Dicky-Dido, Cabbage Field

Rattlesnakes with Pigeonholes
Ace of Spades, my home sweet home

Whim-wham, ringerangeroo
Venus Fly Trap, I love you

Pleasure Garden, Yum Yum, Crack
Road to Heaven, Lucky Bag

Nick-Nack, Keyhole, Moneybox
Jing-Jang, Skin Coat, Melting-pot

By admin on October 7, 2013 | V Song Lyrics | A comment?